Sunday, October 5, 2008

God is so good! We have a praise report for Tariq

I received this email from my uncle the other day...

Tariq will be released from the Hospital this afternoon.

Thanks all for your prayers!

Charles Glasgow


Blogger Tia's Real Talk said...

God Keeps HIS children! I know how it two nieces 5 and 12months are at the ER monthly for breathing issues due to asthma. Does he use the "at home breathing treatment?" My sister knows from a persistent cough that an attack is on the way so she gives the treatment to prevent it.

They are in my prayers.

10/3/08 11:22 PM

Blogger SLC said...

Praying for total healing for him and peace for the entire family. I'm sure an awesome testimony is forthcoming.


10/4/08 9:49 AM

Blogger A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

God has a plan we know nothing about and if we knew, could we handle it? My deepest heartfelt prayers for you and the entire family and also the medical staff.

10/4/08 5:39 PM


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

W O W amazing, I said another one last night before I went to sleep, GOD wants so desperately want to give us want we want once we submit to his will and acknowledge that we do NEED HIM! Peace and blessings to Tariq. I hope that he and his mom get some of the best sleep ever! "Dorothy was right", there' no place like home! At least until we get to heaven!

Natarsha said...

Glory to God! Just as it says in today's verse: Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:4). Your family has endured many test and trials and this is another test that the Lord has proven himself faithful and strengthening your family. I admire your family for continuing to trust God when test and trials. But God is still and always will be a healing God. May God continue to bless your family.